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This repertoire is a thought-provoking series that delves into the significant challenges surrounding the inclusion of women as directors on company boards in Malaysia. Through compelling narratives, it sheds light on the systemic barriers, cultural norms, and gender biases that hinder women's advancement in corporate leadership roles. It challenges conventional notions of leadership and advocates for systemic changes to promote equal opportunities for women in decision-making positions. Through its poignant portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of women navigating corporate landscapes, "Broadwalks" serves as a catalyst for change, inspiring organizations and policymakers to take concrete actions to address gender inequality in boardrooms and beyond.
female leaders
workplace bias
I can feel the earth move
How to talk about gender diversity when you are unable to articulate its concrete benefits to the company? Over drinks, three male board members discuss their feelings and trepidation about the confirmed appointment of the first woman on their board.
It's raining man
How to respect meritocracy when unconscious biases colour your decision making? A nomination committee is discussing the next course of action after the shortlist, of their search for a new board member, comes up all male.
The in Crowd
How to prioritize networking when you also have to juggle other priorities? Alex invites Melanie to join him for an after-work drink and to meet some people who can potentially connect her to the right circles and networks. She doesn’t know if she has the time.
Stand by me
How to maintain collegiality on the board when your new board member is not aligned with your existing members? Melinda who is a new board member has a difficult discussion with the chairman just after a board meeting.
How to contribute as a peer in board meetings when board members see you through a bias lens? May speaks up in a board meeting but her ideas are regularly shut down.
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